Deadly Cruise by Dawn Brookes

PC Rachel Prince returns to cruising after giving evidence in a difficult trial. She wants to recharge her batteries and reevaluate her future after receiving threats from the man she helped put away.

Taking Queen Cruises up on their offer of a free luxury cruise aboard the Coral Queen, she opts for a sailing to New York.  Rachel’s best friend and cruise nurse, Sarah is also returning to the ship to start a new nine-month contract so the timing is perfect.

Almost immediately, Rachel meets a cruise tour leader who invites her to join him and his Russian group for some of their planned activities. These activities should help pass the time during the sea days.  A crew member is found dead in his cabin – could this be another mystery brewing? Rachel’s eagle eye spots some curious goings on among the Russian tour group that she finds enticing. Chief Security Officer Waverley wants Rachel to leave things alone – will she listen?

Sarah has problems of her own as conflict develops in the medical team when a new nurse is brought in at short notice.  Rachel can’t resist doing a bit of snooping, but will she get to the bottom of a mysterious death and untangle this complex case before they reach New York?

By: Dawn Brookes
Narrated by: Alex Lee
Length: TBA
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: TBA


Have read this nearly in one sitting, more twist and turns than first book keeps you guessing until end can’t wait until number 3. Not going on a cruise with Rachel anytime soon. Keep up the good work Dawn.